Fight Training Anywhere & Anytime: Always Be Fight Ready

Breathing Pattern: How to Properly Breathe in a Fight and in Training

October 08, 2024

There is a specific breathing pattern you need to be using when shadow boxing, working the heavy bag, training and especially when fighting.

You've already heard many fighters make these sounds. Now you need to train it and use it.

Here is everything you need to know about properly breathing in fighting...

Video Breakdown

Forceful Breath on Every Strike

The correct pattern for breathing when training and fighting is this:

  • In your nose
  • Out your mouth

And then on every single punch, elbow, kick or knee, exert a forceful breath out of your mouth.

Do this on every single strike.

This tightens your body in order to exert forceful breath along with a strike.

Doing this will help your punches and kicks faster, snappier and more powerful.

Also when you are getting hit, you do the same thing.

Upon impact of getting hit, you must exert a forceful breath out your mouth. This tightens your body and allows you to absorb the hit.

So anytime you shadow box, hit the pads or work the heavy bag. Upon every punch, kick, knee - exert a forceful breath out of your mouth.

Do this on every single strike.

How to Control Your Breath

Here is how you control your breath during a fight or during training - you must breathe in your nose and out of your mouth.

This is it. That's the secret.

You have to start training this now during every training session you do. During cardio, weight lifting, shadow boxing, heavy bag work. Everything you do: in your nose and out of your mouth.

You need to make this automatic.

Side note: if you get your nose broken, then breathe however you can but still breathe out forceful on every strike or when getting hit.

Sprawl and Brawl Cardio Program

Your cardio is one of the most important and controled elements you have in training.

I have a training program that will improve your fight cardio. It can be done anywhere and anytime. With only 15 minutes per session and you don't need any equipment.

Get the "Sprawl and Brawl Audio Program" today.

Fight Training From Home Programs/Courses

Fight Training From Home Programs/Courses

Whether you are a professional or a beginner, you'll be spending majority of your life training solo (from home or on the road). Working on technique, drilling, developing strength and cardio. I've been training all my life. Here are some of the best programs and courses to start or continue fight training from home.


Follow Alexandrovich Unleashed

Program: Sprawl & Brawl Fight Cardio

Sprawl and Brawl: Solo Fight Cardio Training Program

Program: Fighter's Footwork

Complete Program to Developing Footwork and Moving While Striking for Fighting, MMA, Boxing, Self-Defense.

Course: Striking Fundamentals Vol.1

Fundamental Four: The Essential 4 Punches Every Fighter Needs to Master

Course: Striking Fundamentals Vol.2

7 Essential Punches & 15 Combinations to Finish Fights

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