Blitz forward while punching and move backwards while countering.
Forward blitz is aggressive. Backward countering is defensive.
Both use footwork and punching at the same time.
I'm going to show you how to charge forward, cover distance and throw punches at the same time. And also how to retreat backwards while throwing counter shots at the same time.
First movement is forward blitz and throwing punches.
You're going to be coming off a cross and moving forward with the opposite leg. This is the position you want to start moving forward.
The easiest way to learn this movement is go off a cross. Once you get this body movement down, you can throw a setup jab to cross then start moving forward.
With this you can charge forward very quickly by throwing down your power shots rather than trying to step with the same side by throwing jabs. Which will leave you more open to counters.
Second movement is moving backwards and throwing punches.
Moving backwards has similar body mechanics, except you are going to do be stepping back and throwing a cross on the same side.
You can introduce a jab then throw a cross and then begin forward blitz. This will use the jab as a setup shot instead of starting with a cross.
Essentially, you are throwing a jab > cross combination and then when the cross goes out you are already in movement to blitz forward or if you are getting pressured, moving backwards.
Blitzing forward puts you in dangerous spot because you can get caught with a counter. And the momentum of your body going forward while getting hit amplifies the power.
So few thigns to minimize your chances of getting hit on the way forward or backward.
Move off the centerline on each cross so your head is not in the same spot each time.
Don't leave your chin up. Tuck your chin as you are moving forward or backward.
Another mistake to avoid is leaning too far forward as you charge and being out of balance or leaning too far back when moving backwards.
You want to be over your feet and have even weight distribution over both of your feet.
This is why going off a cross as you are moving forward or backward works so well. It already puts you in good position.
You should not be stepping forward or moving backwards for more than 3 steps.
After 3 steps forward or backward change direction, get an angle or reposition.
Continuing more than 3 steps puts you in higher chance of catching a punch on the way in or retreating back. Because you are repeating the same movement over and over again.
Drill to go no more than 3 steps forward and backward.
Blitz forward and countering moving backwards is a powerful technique to use but this is just one of the footwork movements.
If you want learn how to move yourself into any position and then also use your footwork and punch at the same time then you need "Fighter's Footwork" training program.
It will show you how to use footwork moving forward and backwards, lateral movement, get angles, pivots and how to punch while moving at the same time.
Fight Training From Home Programs/Courses
Whether you are a professional or a beginner, you'll be spending majority of your life training solo (from home or on the road). Working on technique, drilling, developing strength and cardio. I've been training all my life. Here are some of the best programs and courses to start or continue fight training from home.